Dairy Farming

George the Farmer’s cows provide fresh, wholesome dairy products.

Ben, Simone, and their friend George the Farmer enjoy milkshakes made from fresh milk and bananas and visit a dairy farm to learn where milk comes from and how it is processed. They visit Farmer Josh's high-tech robotic dairy where cows milk themselves, then visit Fleurieu Milk Company where raw milk is pasteurized before being turned into various dairy products. They then return to the kitchen to make milkshakes and share jokes about cows before enjoying their delicious drinks. Through their journey, they emphasize the importance of dairy in our diets.

Embark on a Dairy Adventure with George the Farmer!

Meet Ben, Simone, and their friend George the Farmer as they set out on a quest to discover the origins of a crucial ingredient for their favorite milkshakes – milk! Tag along as they visit a high-tech dairy farm, Fiander-moor, where Farmer Josh and his 400 Friesian cows work together with smart robots to produce gallons of fresh milk every day.

At Fiander-moor, the cows practically milk themselves with the help of advanced technology. The cows willingly walk into the robots, which identify them using transponder collars and gently extract the milk using lasers. Farmer Josh proudly shares that some cows can produce up to a whopping 60 liters of milk each day!

After the cows have enjoyed their time in the sunshine munching on ryegrass and clover, the milk travels through a network of pipes to a storage tank where a refrigerated milk truck collects it. But where does the milk go from here? To find out, follow Ben, Simone, and George to the Fleurieu Milk Company!

At the Fleurieu Milk Company, 12 million liters of milk from local dairy farmers are processed annually to create fresh milk, flavored milk, cream, and yoghurt. The raw milk, which arrives from the farms, undergoes pasteurization to eliminate any harmful bacteria while preserving the milk's essential nutrients.

Nick from the Fleurieu Milk Company explains the pasteurization process involves heating the milk to 72 degrees, holding it for 15 seconds, and then quickly cooling it down. This ensures that the milk is safe for consumption while retaining all its nutritional goodness. Now it's time for the milk to make its way to our shopping trolleys and eventually into our delicious milkshakes!

Speaking of milkshakes, George treats us to a fun recipe featuring fresh cow's milk, bananas, ice cream, honey, and nutmeg. Surrender to the temptation of this dairylicious concoction by blending all the ingredients together and savoring the creamy goodness. Just remember to seek help from an adult in the kitchen!

As we sip on our scrumptious milkshakes, let's take a moment to appreciate the hard work of dairy farmers and the adorable cows that make our daily dose of dairy possible. And as George loves a good joke, we can't help but share a few dairy-themed giggles while enjoying our treats.

Join George and his friends as they uncover the magic behind our beloved dairy products and pay homage to the incredible journey of milk from the farm to our tables. Remember, two serves of dairy a day keep the worries away, so let's raise a glass of milkshake to the fantastic world of dairy farming!

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